我们学习物理是为了更好地理解 宇宙

这很宽泛,但物理学学位也是如此. 物理 majors of course most often go into scientific or technical fields (like optics, 超导, 纳米技术, 新能源方法, 等.),但这是一个非常灵活的学位. 物理学专业的学生会从事生物学方面的工作, 法律, 金融公司, 教学, and other areas — basically anywhere there are difficult problems to solve.


物理 provides a background for numerous scientific career fields, including:

  • 航天、航空和国防
  • 天文学和天体物理学
  • 原子与分子物理学
  • 生物医学工程
  • 宇宙学
  • 地球物理学
  • 海洋科学
  • 机器人


太平洋's 物理与天文学系 is smaller than departments at larger re搜索-focused schools, 也就是说我们可以单独了解你了. 我们了解你的个人优势、需求和兴趣. 在其他大学更大的院系, 教师主要和他们的研究生一起工作, 远离本科生. 我们与本科生密切合作, 指导他们度过职业生涯中最重要的时期.


路易斯·约翰逊毕业于正规博彩十大网站,获得物理学学士学位. He conducted re搜索 at the National Center for 天体物理学 in Trieste, Italy where he studied quasars and had the opportunity to spend a summer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for 天体物理学, 由国家科学基金会全额资助. Johnson is currently enrolled in a bridge program at Princeton University in preparation for graduate school in astro物理. 



The faculty in the 物理与天文学系 are exceptional teachers and world famous re搜索ers in their fields of study, selected to become members of our department by the most rigorous standards. 物理学教授是天体物理学的活跃研究者, 天文学, 行星科学, 粒子物理与计算科学.


“教学应该是动态的、互动的. 重要的不是我能做什么, 这是关于学生们第一次尝试一些东西, 看看他们能不能做到." 


Much like the eternal question—which came first: the chicken or the egg? —scientists are debating how galaxies can exist if they do not have any dark matter, the mysterious substance thought to compose up to 27% of the makeup of the 宇宙.

This is one of the questions 正规博彩十大网站 物理 professor Elisa Toloba, 在她学生的支持下, 试图通过分析室女座星系团中的星系来回答这个问题. 研究小组发现了一些超扩散星系, 它们的亮度非常低, 可能看起来不存在暗物质.

物理学教授Elisa Toloba说

探索 物理和天文学

Our small size does not limit our ability to expose students to cutting-edge re搜索. Students in the 物理与天文学系 have numerous ways to get involved in 物理 activities. Students can work on projects outside the classroom to experience the science of 物理. Our faculty are world renowned for their re搜索 into supermassive black hole formation at the center of galaxies, 地球大小的系外行星的特征, discovering new galaxies with unexpected properties and testing particle 物理 models with supercomputer simulations.

Because of our small size we can work closely with our undergraduate students and give them opportunities to participate in re搜索. 物理系已经赢得了超过 $900,000 外部资金来支持他们的研究.

The offices, laboratories and classrooms of the 物理 and 天文学 department occupy Olson Hall. Labs are equipped with modern facilities for courses in optics solid state 物理, 先进的实验, 以及《物理学导论, 音乐, 和天文学课程. 设备包括一个2.3米射电望远镜供学生使用. The department has two computer labs with PCs, and a scientific computing (unix) lab.

最近, 物理 and 天文学 department faculty and students went on a field trip for night-time viewing at the Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton near San Jose. 该天文台归加州大学所有并运营, thanks to our faculty Elisa Toloba and Guillermo Barro we had permission for a private tour. 

We've recently hosted talks by Chris McKay from the NASA Ames 研究 Center on terraforming Mars by Prof Raja Guhathakurta from UC Santa Cruz on studying galaxy formation as well as career advice for undergraduate students, 托默·塔尔(Tomer Tal)博士.D. Chegg的数据科学和机器学习.

本科 students Kadri Bin Mohamad Nizam and Justin Barber presented posters on their re搜索 at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle in January 2019. 凯蒂Ram, Nina Madsen and Katie Christensen were at the Conference for 本科 Women in 物理 in Los Angeles last year. 


You can choose to focus your studies further by selecting a concentration for your Bachelor of Science degree. Concentrations build on the re搜索 strengths of the 物理 faculty to offer one-on-one activities and undergraduate re搜索 opportunities. A student declaring a concentration in one of the following areas must take two specific upper division electives and will have advanced laboratory and senior thesis work related to the topic of their concentration.



The study of planets, stars, galaxies and the large scale structure of the 宇宙

The interface of math and 物理 (for the theoretically inclined)


感谢我们的一百万捐赠基金, 物理系和天文系的奖金在40美元之间,000-$50,每年可获得1万英镑的奖学金. 二年级及以上的学生都有资格. 物理系根据成绩选拔获奖者. 典型的奖学金是8000美元.


数据科学是增长最快的职业领域之一. 太平洋 offers a minor in data science to help students be more prepared for a digital world that is constantly changing.


This degree is jointly offered with 太平洋's School of Engineering and Computer Science. 太平洋 美国仅有的21所学校之一 拥有工程物理学士学位.


The Pac诺伊斯正规博彩十大网站排名 Program provides scholarships and other support for STEM majors at 太平洋 who become teachers in high-needs school districts, 比如斯托克顿.

You could be eligible for the Robert Noyce Teachers 奖学金 worth up to $13,750元/年, 大三学生和大四学生的票价为20美元,硕士/教师资格证书的最后一年.


In addition to training the current generation of college students to be physicists, there is a great need in the United States for highly qualified secondary (8-12th grade) physical science teachers who will prepare the following generation of scientists. The Bachelor of Arts degree in 物理 includes slightly fewer specialized upper division courses, so that the student interested in becoming a teacher can focus on building a strong 内容 foundation across the physical sciences by taking additional courses in chemistry and geosciences, 以及太平洋地区的教育课程 Benerd大学.


